Chapter 23: Compose

Adora looks down at the map she bought.

My main objective right now is to get back in contact with Daki, and to obtain as many properties as possible.

I also need to report to him about these things we just engaged with. I tried to remain passive around them and just observe because Haco didn't react or sense any hostile intent from them.

And they clearly aren't your average person or pilots. Let's hope I find him before they do since they are searching for my husband. They might think he actually is Kayn.

"Right. Haco," calls Adora, and Haco growls as she grows very big in size.

"Come on, you two. We need to reach and buy whatever properties we can before others buy them," she says.

"Oh . . . about that . . . I don't have any points left. I used all of them on that last attack," informs Neo, "I guess that means I am already out of the game," he continues, smiling in self-reflection.

. . .

A screen suddenly appears in front of Neo and displays the text 'Fifty points received'

"Wait, what? How?" he questions, looking around before locking his gaze on Charlotte. He starts to say something, but Charlotte interrupts him.

"Right! Adora, I have to ask! How the heck is Haco going from a small, cute cat to a huge panther that you are implying we ride on to reach the first property?!"

Adora smiles as she walks toward Haco.

"She is actually a pet of my husband. He insisted that Haco stays with me at all times to protect me. Plus, it's nice to have her by my side," she pets Haco, making her growl in satisfaction.

"She is very well trained, and he had her obey my every command. Don't worry, she is very protective by nature. As long as you don't attack me, she is very gentle and kind. Come and pet her if you want, it feels great!" urges Adora, looking at Charlotte and Neo.

Charlotte seems hesitant but Neo passes her, his sword sheathed. It's as if he just realized what he is witnessing.

Neo reaches out and pets the huge panther.

"Woah . . . wow this feels great," he says as he continues to pet and play with the panther gently.

Charlotte sighs, "Fine, I guess it will be a new experience riding a huge panther. Also having her around seems like a good idea. This place isn't all that friendly according to what I read from the application sheet," she says, turning around and walking towards the edge. She reaches into her pocket and pulls out the vial of pills.

She looks at the pills and then at the void . . .

"Charlotte, come on! What are you doing? Stay away from that edge, it's dangerous!" calls Adora and Charlotte turns her head around to look at her. She looks at Neo and finds him still fascinated with Haco.

"We will leave you behind if you don't get over here already," jokes Adora, smiling.

"I'm coming," says Charlotte as she pockets the vial of pills and walks back towards them with a smile.

"I'll do it right this time. I'll win, Sharara," she murmurs to herself in determination.

Adora claps her hands and a saddle with a leash appears around Haco.

Haco uses her tail to lift Adora on top of herself. And then lifts Charlotte, followed by Neo at the end.

"Oh right, you both will need to grab onto something," says Adora, "Charlotte, you grab and hold onto me, and Neo you grab and hold onto Charlotte for now. I have no other leashes."

"Oh . . . um . . . okay," mumbles Neo shyly, reluctance evident in his voice.

He hesitantly grabs onto Charlotte's shoulders.

Charlotte looks down, a blush growing on her face.

I want to die.

Charlotte recalls how she hugged him without thinking back then.

"This won't work. If you hold like that you will fall off," affirms Adora.

"Oh. Um well . . . I can't," he says bashfully, letting go of her shoulders.

Adora looks at Neo and then forward ahead. She laughs, shaking her head.

"What is it?" asks Neo.

"I think I have been working in the Castle for too long. Your behavior just reminded me of what I think decency is like. Reminded me of my husband . . . " she trails off.

Charlotte looks at Adora.

"My bad. System, buy a leash fitting for Haco," she orders and a second leash forms around Haco.

Adora throws it back to Neo, "Here, hold onto that,"

Neo smiles at her, feeling thankful.

"Now, all good back there?" asks Adora.

"Yes!" confirm the both of them.

"Can we get going already, please?" asks Charlotte.

Adora smiles and looks forward, she takes out goggles and wears them, "To the property, Haco,"

Haco stands proud and lets out a roar before sprinting towards the forest. She jumps really high before entering it, and Charlotte and Neo hold on very tightly in fear.

"What the heck?!" shouts Charlotte.

Neo looks down at the beautiful view from the side, his heart pounding. He senses a mixture of feelings, fear and excitement being the two most overwhelming and conflicting.

"I wonder— "

. . .

"Stop! Stop everything! Something major is about to happen!" screams Orbit in excitement, shifting his head quickly from the screen of those three to Arcat's screen as he notices something of interest.

Arcat walks outside of his property and comes face to face with . . . One.