Chapter 32: Protect and Cover

Charlotte looks at the last wolf and finds its guard down. She instinctively pulls out her guns and fires two shots at the wolf, taking it out.

"Nice shots," says Arcat as his head reattaches, "Sheesh, I think I got a bit rusty cause of not fighting for a while,"

"You . . . talked," Charlotte says again in disbelief, "You talked while beheaded . . . you were conscious while you were beheaded,"

"Is that your pilot ability? To not feel pain or like not to lose consciousness? Are you a pilot?" she continues.

" . . .Yes, I am a pilot. As for the rest, it's not important," says Arcat looking at Charlotte.

Charlotte remains silent after that.

"After you call Neo and inform him, we should get going," he announces.

"Right," murmurs Charlotte, calling Neo and walking away to have a little privacy.

Arcat walks towards Adora, "Trust?" he asks, looking at Charlotte. As if to know if he should make her talk while he can hear them.

"Trust. I can hear it anyway. If anything goes fishy, I'll tell you. Let them talk," replies Adora.

He sighs, "Romance in the middle of a war? What a mess this is!"

. . .

"You know what I find fascinating and amusing?"

"What?" says Arcat, still looking at Charlotte. As if keeping his eye on her in case anything else attacks.

"This whole situation,"

. . .

"Did you know that Neo is the person he brought?" she asks.

Arcat stays silent.

"You manipulated the system and tricked him to go on a solo scouting mission so that you could protect him from this dangerous mission. And he probably passed by the Castle while in a state of longing, and now he is at the center of this whole mess,"

Arcat slowly turns his head, glaring at Adora in silence.

Adora smiles, "Of course, I don't know if you did actually manipulate the system or why he came here, it's just an educated guess,"

"Anyway, and now the person he brought here, is with her," she continues, "It's almost as if it's a novel written of a story. Feels surreal,"

Arcat pinches the bridge of his nose, raising his head.

"Anyway," he says, "Zahtan is most probably in here. And right now, you are the biggest weak spot. It's too expensive to pay for you to have an instant recovery or even reduce the time. You realize that you are most probably gonna stay this way for the rest of this, right?"


"Have Haco be fully on guard from now on. Don't let her drop it even for a second," he orders, "Have her on guard while I walk around close by until Charlotte is done,"

He pauses, "Good job on not telling her about this and having her panic and destroying the spying device. I'll see what to do,"

"Yes sir!" says Adora, "I would do a salute but, can't move,"

Arcat smiles and walks away.

. . .

He walks around looking at the trees and grass with some flowers in the distance. He then looks up, takes a deep breath, and looks down at an amulet around his neck.

. . .

Later, the three of them reach the property. Charlotte looks around, fascinated at all the products it produces, from makeup to nice clothing. She rolls Adora around in a wheelchair that supports her body and head, with Haco on her lap laying down and checking the place out.

Charlotte stops and walks up to an eyelash counter, checking it out. She looks at Adora as if seeking advice or approval.

"Oh, um . . . how I see makeup might surprise you. Are you sure?" asks Adora.

"Yes!" Charlotte nods, "I am intrigued,"

". . . Alright. Well, I like the natural beauty of a woman and think that is more than sufficient to keep his attention. However, I am not against applying small amounts of makeup from time to time, especially in situations where you want to bring his mood up if you see that he is feeling down," she starts.

"In fact, then I might even recommend it. The point being, make sure he falls for your natural look when it comes to physical looks and sprinkle in spice from time to time to change it up, to keep him interested, and once every blue moon, maybe go a bit more but not too much. If you use heavy makeup always, not only is it time-consuming and takes effort, but he becomes desensitized to it and expects you to look like that all the time,"

"Noted! What about clothes?"

Adora hums, "I recommend something that covers your body very well yet is stylish and fancy. Clothes can really give a unique sensation and appreciation of a kind of attractive beauty. And you want to make sure you make it imprint a distinct sensation and attraction separate from libido attraction that will flare up if you wear something revealing. He gets to experience two different distinct things when you two get married,"

Charlotte blushes red, looking at the ground.

"Oh, sorry! I got carried away!"

"It's fine, no need to apologize," smiles Charlotte, her cheeks still on fire.

They both share a laugh and continue to talk, having a great conversation.

. . .

"Two days now. Things should be picking up the pace soon. What is definitely not Kayn up to? After all this time, whoever he is, he should be making his move soon," says Orbit, doing handstand pushups as he looks at the screen upside down.

. . .

Arcat approaches both of the girls who are shopping for clothes.

"Oi! That's supposed to be merchandise to make pts!" he admonishes.

Charlotte feels a bit embarrassed.

"Come on! No major harm in taking a few things," says Adora.

He sighs, "Fine. Anyway, the preparations are ready. With the pts from One, we have enough to make the purchase," he informs them.

"Great! Let's go!" says Charlotte happily.

They go to a large open area and look around at the various materials lying around as if the construction of something is going on.

"Purchase," says Arcat, and a big circular device is constructed from the materials on the ground, and a portal appears.

"Great. Now that we're done with this, we can exchange materials and products throughout all allied properties with each and the increase the income significantly," he remarks.

As he says that, a figure walks through the portal.