Chapter 35: . . .

Neo opens his eyes slowly, but to no difference. He wonders if he is falling again for a second but feels the ground beneath his feet and realizes he's sitting.

He coughs, "Where? Char─ Charlotte? Adora? Anyone there?" he calls loudly in a rough voice as he tries to get up, but he's completely restrained to the chair, feet, hands, body, and neck. There is a stench in the air that turns his stomach.

Clink. Clink.

Neo hears what sounds like forks and knives touching a plate, but he sees nothing.

"Sorry about the lighting, but the dark just makes me the most comfortable. So, I like to eat like this," says a voice in the dark.

Neo hears the voice from in front of him, the voice hitting on him and his subconscious swearing that he's heard the voice before, but he can't recall the moment for the life of him.

He remembers his conversations with Daki.

Stay calm. Don't rush to spending pts just yet.

"Who are you? What's going on?" he asks.

The clinking and the chewing continues, "I will answer those two questions right after you tell me how your journey to the rope was," says the voice.

". . . What are you talking about?" asks Neo.

The voice tsks, "Neo is what you are called now, right? Neo, Neo, Neo. If you want to start this conversation with a lie, then I am afraid this is where it ends. Do you want that to be the case?"

". . . Well, if you want to build a bridge. I would like it that you start,"

"Hm. Alright, then. I also come from the void like you, and recently, I discovered a . . . let's call it an acquired taste towards something,"

. . .

"What acquired taste?" asks Neo.

"Ah, ah, ah. It's your turn to tell me a little about you," says the voice as the person continues eating.

". . . I was picked up by a pilot and was on my way to the rope, but we detoured off to the Castle . . . "

The voice hums, "Ah, nothing like this drink next to it, exquisite indeed. Anyway, continue,"

". . . I got separated from my pilot and have been with someone else checking the Castle out ever since,"

"Right. I like how you skipped a part, but I will let it slide because I know. Anyway, what was the Castle like?"

". . . You ran out of time. Your turn," says Neo.

A chuckle sounds, "Entertaining," says the voice as the chewing sounds resume, taking its time.

"Goodness. So tender. Well, I am sure you are familiar with the idea what we can't die. So, from my time after the fall, I discovered that when we are beheaded, the reason we go dark is because we actually lose consciousness because of the state of shock our brain goes into. So, everything that the severed head undergoes is relayed to the subconscious,"

". . . Did your head get severed?" asks Neo.

The voice laughs out loud at his words, "Your turn. What experiences did you enjoy the most?"

". . . Taste was the best by far, I think" remarks Neo.

The voice hums, "Agreed to that,"

". . .Games and fun were the main attraction for a while . . ." continues Neo.

"And the main attraction now is?"

. . .

". . . Clothes and accessories . . ." says Neo.

"Really? Interesting. Is there someone you want to look good for?"

"No, I just enjoyed it,"

"Ah, I see I see. Well, I am glad we got to catch up. I am almost done eating. Would you like to have the lights on?" asks the voice.

". . . Yes,"

"Lights," calls the voice, snapping his fingers.

A single light source comes up from the ceiling. Neo's vision is blurry as he squints his eyes, unable to clear them. But soon, all becomes clear.

"It It's you!" exclaims Neo, recognizing the person in front of him, sitting on the opposite end of the table with a plate in front of him. He's pushing down his fork on a piece of cooked meat.

"Deadeye is my nickname. You may call me Aayn," says Aayn.

Neo notices that the chair isn't normal. It looks like it has blades all over the restraining areas.

"They won't activate unless you call the system so don't worry," says Aayn as he sees Neo checking out the blades, "It's just safety in case you try to buy anything to harm me. I have the right to defend myself after all," he says, a smile on his face.

He brings the fork to his mouth and eats the last piece of meat.

"Are you the one who caused the explosion?" asks Neo.

Aayn smiles, "You know, I am glad we got to catch up. You like the new fit?"

". . . Can I leave?"

"Aw, come on! I thought you were interested in clothing and style, weren't you?"

". . . What do you want from me?"

"Nothing really. Anyway, would you like to eat with me? I just finished the appetizer, she was really tasty. I highly recommend going for the main course with me," says Aayn as he stands up and starts walking.

"I can leave afterwards?" asks Neo, looking at Aayn as he walks towards him.

Aayn puts his hand on Neo's shoulder.

"For sure. Also, we can get to know more about each other while having this meal," he says, passing him and going to the back.

"You will love this. I cooked her really well, she is a beauty," he continues, opening a door and entering the room.

The door opens again shortly after.

"I'll bring the sauces and some side dishes as well," says Aayn, passing Neo again and placing a big plate covered with a metal cloche on the table.

"You will love this, I promise," he says.

He places his hand on the top of the lid.

He pulls it up.

Neo's pupils constrict as he looks at the plate.