Chapter 59: For What I Want

The ground beneath her cracks as Adora leaps forwards. Her arms wrap around her, prepared to spring open and slash upon whatever stands in front, with the command of her two daggers.

Neo plants one tail behind and uses it to move his body away while sending the other tail towards her to attack.

She clashes with the tail and rebounds, sliding on top of it and running towards him.

Before he can shake her off and attack again, she sends both her daggers spinning at him.

Neo swiftly moves out of their path, and notices with his peripheral vision that she is no longer on his tail.

He catches something right above him, about to strike.

A third tail emerges quickly and blocks her slashing attack.

The second tail Adora was running on, goes in for a strike as she dangles from the momentum of her strike and his first tail pulls him away from her.

With great strength, she pushes herself upwards and spins forwards using the tail to ground herself with her hands, then she spins in the air.

Neo sees a fourth tail emerge beside him.

Huh?! Why did it come out? This was supposed to stay hidden as a last surprise attack or defense!

The tail blocks off a dagger that is flying towards him from the side.

The two thrown the first time have collided with each other, sending each other in different directions, if this dagger had touched him, Neo would have been beheaded.

. . .

He stops and stands still . . .

. . . I lost . . .

He looks in Adora's direction again and sees thousands of daggers traveling towards him in a large volley, about to hit him.

. . . I see . . . so I never stood a chance . . . she is in a different league. Yet again, I couldn't get what I wanted . . . how frustrating . . .

He looks down at Charlotte, sadness and disappointment on his face.

The daggers fly ever closer, almost about to him.

Xzina . . . aside from our contract . . . you can try to fulfill whatever you want . . .

Both his eyes turn golden and . . .

The daggers strike, cutting him all over aside from where the tail is covering, sending chunks of him flying all over. Neo's entire body falls back, yet his legs remain firmly in place, as if he is about to fall.

Seconds after this happens, four more tails emerge from his back. They start lashing around furiously, blocking all incoming daggers at high speed, even the volley that is coming from behind him.

All daggers disappear when they are close to hitting the ground or are in rest.

The first four tails turn to move swiftly towards Adora, who is rapidly firing daggers as she spins in the air.

Neo's shredded flying body parts floating the air freeze. They quickly spring back, starting to reattach. The final chunks come in at once, and he falls forwards on his knee, still holding Charlotte.

She has fully taken over.

The tails clash into her and Adora stops throwing her daggers, and starts to dodge, block, and deflect.

Their attacks are more difficult to deal with than what they were.

She looks at Neo's body for a second.

Something is different. I need to be more careful.

Xzina stands up and turns Charlotte's head towards herself, her golden eyes lock eyes with Charlotte's unblinking eyes.

She gently places her head on the ground.

Looking down at both her hands, she waves them and only the left one turns to claws again.

Even with full take over, I do not have all my powers. Ooh, I miss fighting with my own body!

Anyways, I should be able to win. But I need to play with her carefully and stay a little on guard at least. She seems . . . unusual.

Fighting the four tails in the air all this time, Adora finds herself about to land on the ground now, after she blocks a powerful swing from a tail.

Xzina flexes her hand, stretching it towards Adora and sounds of cracking erupt into the air.

Right before touching the ground, Adora hears a weird noise.

It is the cracking of the earth . . .

It is coming from beneath.

She breaks eye contact with the four tails above and glances down.

Her eyes widen as she covers herself, wrapping her arms and legs around her.

A tail emerges from underground, swiping with a huge force.

Blocking the blow with her armor, Adora is sent flying far away from the strike through the ash filled air.

Let's play.

Xzina launches herself after Adora with all eight tails, leaving Charlotte behind.

Adora notices Xzina approaching from afar and she clenches her hand, the daggers begin to burn in flames. She quickly starts spinning again, throwing daggers backwards with all her might. But not just that, daggers start spawning around her body and with every dagger she throws, her body throws another, causing even more daggers to fly towards Xzina.

All the tails move around, blocking all incoming daggers.

Can't risk being hit, I don't know what would happen if I do.

She gets closer and closer to Adora, her claws glaring with sharpness.


A big explosion hits one of Xzina's tails as she blocks, sending her off path. Spinning around, she tries to reorient herself and regain balance, but keeps all the tails around her, protecting her at all times.

More explosions and blasts keep going off, hitting her with a force that is sending her flying up more and more, as the daggers attempt to hit her as well.

"Ahahahaha! Yes, blow me!" cackles Xzina, enjoying the explosions happening around her while spinning.

The explosions blow her away until she is no longer visible.

Adora halts her spinning and throwing and looks at the property defenses that were firing at Xzina and helping her, and the workers operating them.

All seem to be pledging allegiance to her.

Why did they attack someone that is in team?!

Landing on the ground, she stops herself.

I still don't know fully what this armor is capable of. I put my all into that last attack, yet the armor keeps itching me that there is more . . .

She recalls Haco standing proudly.

Hmm . . . maybe not only should it adapt to me . . . but I should adapt to it as well . . . a hybrid form of combat.

She holds the daggers outwards like side blades, and the tail of a panther emerges in flames from the armor, fitting the size of the armor.

This should help more with movement.

Adora lands on all fours, dragging through the earth and coming to a complete stop.

First, I should go check on the properties, if they can help me, that will be great. I'll have to use everything I can to beat that thing . . . Xzina, was it?

Looking in the direction Xzina came from, Adora bites her lip.

Please survive . . . until I can reach you.

She springs towards the nearest property with a mixture of movement of all fours like a panther and running and swinging like a human.

. . .

He shifts his eyes from one screen to the next in curiosity with full focus. His hand is on his mouth as its slightly open.

Aayn is walking on the screen he is looking at.

. . . 

In the distance, Charlotte remains silent, her head resting on the ground.

Step, step, step.

From the side, Aayn walks towards her, his sniper strapped to his back.