Chapter 81: Lord of Triumph

The battle continues at a stalemate, and Iza grows more frustrated as every second passes and he is unable to capture Aayn.

Not only can he not freeze him, but somehow Aayn is maneuvering very well using his gear, especially as it feels like something is helping him . . . not just that, but a confusion arises from how he is doing so with an environment that is supposed to be very slippery as everything around them is covered in a layer of slippery ice.

And yet there is, sliding on it or still standing perfectly on it even after a large amount of momentum. He is able to control when he slips, when he slides and when he is able to move normally . . . how is doing that?

It's as if his gear, along with the situation, is perfectly crafted to make a most inconvenient and time consuming situation for a rage induced Iza.

How could such a situation be predicted?

Dara thinks as he watches them.

Had Iza had a little more tamed control, he probably would have used overwhelming force and numbers, but all he sees is red . . . red as he rips Aayn to pieces with his claws . . . and even if he did use the tactic, would it actually succeed? Should I attempt to interact with him to guide him? If I did try, would he whip me out of the way as well or respond?

Such thoughts race through his head in an attempt to find a way to break this stalemate with a victory as he continues to use more rocks to cover Iza, because the sphere keeps striking close and far, through all the slabs he is placing to cover.

However, the rate of attacks is increasing so he is starting to struggle to keep up.

. . . damn it! If only my powers worked on Aayn and I could freeze him in place for Iza . . . but for some reason, I can't get ahold of him as well . . . just like that sphere and what's inside it . . . whatever that thing is, it's annoying to deal with. Why can't I break through . . . am I lacking something?

. . .

"Dara, I am on the third floor," communicates Sharara telepathically.

"Great! Things are still in accordance to Tahara's plan so far. Make contact with him as soon as you can, I think we have the upper hand here so far but I don't know what other surprises the enemy has in store . . . they already pushed us to a stalemate somehow . . ."

"Got it," responds back Sharara, exiting the elevator and looking around the deserted floor.

The large majestic domes are roughened up and damaged, as well as many other constructions present around are either destroyed completely or cleanly cut through.

Sharara sees an uncountable number of destroyed large battle machines laying amongst the rubble as she begins her search for a certain someone.

. . .

The desired figure stands above the destroyed core, a graveyard of machines laying all around him, not one of them left functional.

He cleans his somewhat long katana, sheaths it, and takes a seat in the large destroyed core, looking around for a bit in contemplation.

He then shifts his attention to the door that keeps showing up around him wherever he goes.

His eyes then fixate on one of the large towers near one of the domes. He stands up, taps his foot and sighs.

He grabs his katana.

Knock, knock!

And makes a quick cut at the building before sheathing it back.


The building gets sliced perfectly at the angle he cut it from far away and its upper half begins to fall, the people hiding in it scream in fear and hide under the table or panicking and trying to escape.

Yet the cut is so clean and at such a perfect angle that the upper side of the building slides off without the building collapsing.

As the earth beneath them quakes from the fall, they stress in fear . . . not from the building . . . but because they know what comes after it.

The man gently lands at the center of the round table they were sitting and having a meeting on.

. . .

One of the men peeks from under the table and sees the man standing atop it.

No one dares to come out.

"I would appreciate it if you all came out, as long as you don't run away or fight me in any physical way, I won't harm you for now. I promise,"

"F–for now?" questions one of the men, quivering.

The man raises an eyebrow, "Oh, I'm sorry, did you not like the offer? I can take it back," he says, smiling and beginning to unsheathe his katana.

They all come out of hiding, knowing that they would be safe, leaders and their bodyguards.

For now . . . whatever that means, because of all the things they know him for, a liar is not one of them. It is his reputation that he has never lied before, and they decide to take their bets on it.

"Please, have a seat," says the man and they all listen immediately, sitting on the chairs around the table.

The man looks at the bodyguards being on stand-by and smiles, "You guys should go sit and chill somewhere as well, you won't be needed here,"

They do as told quietly, stepping outside, and sitting on the couches placed in front of the room.


The man starts walking back and forth on the table with hands behind his back slowly.

He then walks to the edge of the table and sits on it, an enclosed water cooler with cups lays next to him.

. . .

"Anyone want water?" he asks.

. . .

He shrugs at the silence.

"As you wish," he says, taking the cooler, pouring himself a drink of cold water, and drinking it.

. . .

"Aahh, nothing better!"


The man looks at him, struggling to speak.


"Oh, sure!" he says as he pours him a drink of cold water and hands it over, watching as he drinks it.

Another man clears his throat, "I— I would like some as well,"

Soon enough, four out of the seven members have asked for water.

"Frank, Ben, and James, you don't want any?"

. . .

"Your loss, I wouldn't taking one more actually, today was a scorcher," he comments, pouring himself another drink as the four, who took a drink, start to calm their nerves a bit–

Ben, one of the men, attempts to take something out from his suit jacket in a sudden movement but his arm is cut off as soon as it reaches inside, making him jump back in pain.

Frank sees this and gets up from the chair, running towards the door.

But his legs are cut off and he falls down in pain so agonizing that he starts to tear up at it.


Both of their heads slide off cleanly from their bodies.

"Should save them the agony and keep them still," the man looks at James, who grits his teeth who hard you can almost hear them grinding.

"James, I would like to ask you, throughout time, since eternity, why is it that you three are so bent on acting like this? The other four members always change from time to time, yet you three kept going on, causing trouble like this until the very end. Why?"

. . .

James spits towards the man, but it disappears before it reaches him . . . it just . . . vanishes.

The man raises an eyebrow, "That was rather uncivil,"

he chuckles, "Making you our slaves was a goal I always dreamed of, especially all the beautiful pilot ladies,"

"Ah, I see. So that's why," says the man as James smirks up at him.

The man gets closer "You guys are just arrogant to the point of brain damage, it happens I guess. There, there," he waves at him from a distance, treating him like a child and making him feel even more agitated.

So agitated that he tries to attack the man, trying to put his hands around his throat, but before they can reach, the man grabs the top of his head and pulls it up with his spine and chucks it aside.

The man dusts his hand off, "Alright, now that these three good friends of mine are out of the way, I'd like to ask you guys some questions. First of all, where is my wife? Does anyone here know?"

All of them look at each other and give him a unanimous no.

"Our dealing with Zahtan were only for firearms equipment. That core–"

"Ye–yes, it is called a core and we invested all we had into it and it's as far as our dealings with him went. We don't know anything about your wife,"

"Ah, bummer," says the man, pulling down his hood to reveal his long hair.

"Well, I'll have to take you all in, so can you–" he pauses, looking out.

"Hm, can you guys do me a favor and not move for a bit?" he asks, looking at them and they all nod almost comically so.



The blade of his katana cuts a scratch on his mask as it comes out near his face.

"Can I help you with something?" asks Kayn.

As Yara looks behind them in surprise, she can't help but smile, "He tricked us again! Thou art far better than what he foretold,"

"How didst thee doth that? That wast not just speedeth, wast it? It wast something else as well, it wast instant! Quite the divine technique thee hast there, I don't think even we couldst replicateth that,"

"And to sneaketh up on us . . . or even detecteth us in the first place!" says Hami, touching the scratch made by Kayn.

"That's the second timeth now, haha!"

. . .

"Thanks for the compliments," smiles Kayn, "but who told you about me and, who are you, again?" he asks, adjusting his blade as if threatening them.

"Calm down, we madeth an oath to him to not have a duel with thee . . . for now and wisheth to see it through. He paid enough with his life even if he didst deceive us again," remarks Yara.

Thoughts race through Kayn's head.

. . . with his life?

"So, don't worry, we art just here to observe," reassures Hami.

. . .

Kayn's eyes widen as he senses another presence approaching him.

"Well, that's a surprise, maybe she has some good news?"

. . .

"If I can avoid unnecessary conflict at the moment, I will. I'll take your word about observing for now, but I'll be keeping an eye on you. I don't mean to accuse you, just that the situation is tense as you can see,"

. . .

"We understand . . . do tryeth to keepeth an eye on us," says One, smiling at him.

. . .

The man disappears again.

"Interesting lad," One says.

. . .

Sharara sees a familiar face ahead while running towards the commotion.


Lightning approaches as Sharara stops near Kayn.

"Sup' Sharara! What brings you here?"

"Hello, Uncle Kayn, I have a delivery for you," she says as she hands over two letters to Kayn.

"Oh, thanks," he says, taking them from her and opening them, interacting with them as normal. By the end of the first letter, he smiles.

"I see, so Rohi is safe along with our child on the rope, that's great to know,"

He opens the second letter.