Chapter 86: Complex Yet Forward

"So, our connection to the Nexus is what sustains our immortality. The Nexus is the Omega Ianite; it wields the final authority over all Ianites," says Neo.

"Indeed," Xzina affirms, her form gracefully suspended before the crystal encasing Habil. Her actions are precise and deliberate, crafting minute fissures with almost surgical precision. She has discerned the sections that harbor the memories essential to their understanding of the Ianites.

"And what you now hold, along with another, are the inaugural Ianites bestowed upon humanity. This one remains among the most formidable alphas. Ianites are extraordinary, engaging with an individual's qualia and subconscious as profoundly as with their conscious mind," she muses, lifting the Ianite to scrutinize it as they ascend the Rope.

"This element zero is equally fascinating. It responds solely to Ianite. No force, no chemical reaction—nothing else. The reason it behaves like water is because the Nexus governs all element zero in its natural state. Yet, the specifics of this control remain largely unexplored, even by Habil. The system is shrouded in mysteries."

"I don't fully grasp the energy or element zero storage aspects. Could you elaborate?" he asks.

"Well, without delving into an exhaustive discourse on energy, suffice to say that an Ianite can store energy. The mechanism remains elusive. Even Habil's understanding may be limited. As for element zero, an Ianite appears capable of storing it as well, possibly in the same space. Intriguing, isn't it?"

"The extraction process is too slow, isn't it?"

"It is, if you wish to avoid the risk of fully releasing Habil."

". . . alright,"

"There are countless secrets in our reality, Neo. We will unveil them, one by one—perhaps slowly, but inevitably."

"Is there something specific you seek?" he inquires.

"By deciphering the workings of Ianite and element zero, I might discover a way to strengthen my position against Kayn."

Neo raises an eyebrow, "Kayn . . . what was your battle with him like?"

"My initial conflict was with the Tahara, Victory was within my grasp until Kayn intervened, sealing my fate," She grits her teeth, "Once I handle him, she will follow. His techniques are formidable."

"Tahara? What are her abilities?"

"Tahara is unique. Her powers differ from other Pilots'. Mercy is an entity unto itself, but that can be studied later. For now, Kayn is my priority."

She hums, "What puzzles me is how Pilots possess their powers without Ianites. In all my encounters, I've never seen them wear one, except for Kayn."

"Perhaps they keep them concealed?"

A sudden realization strikes Xzina. She recalls the memories from when she kissed Neo and noticed . . . the missing shirt button he used to fidget with.

Why hadn't it regenerated with his clothes?

She looks at the gem in her hand, a spark of excitement in her eyes as she smiles, "How did they manage that? I must know more! And I will, once we reach the Nexus."

"Any insights on killing from Habil's memories?" Neo asks.

"Nothing definitive from Habil so far, but I know one method personally."

"From when you stopped me from stabbing myself with the sword?"

"Indeed. That sword is imbued with a continuous, forbidden Nexus technique."


"Yes, specific codes stored in the mind, executed to produce effects from one of the five branches."

"Branches? What are those?"

"Picture a pentagon: Physics at the top, Chemistry to the right, Biology at the bottom right, Abstract to the left, and Nexus at the bottom left. As people grow and acquire knowledge—both theoretical and practical—they connect with their Ianite," she continues, meticulously carving through the crystal.

"Wait, can ordinary people use Ianites too?"

"There is a compatibility process, but theoretically, everyone could find a suitable Ianite."

"Huh . . . " He falls silent as his thoughts race with this revelation.

"Where does Habil stand on that spectrum?"

"It's *******************. I've already learned some of his techniques stored in his memory. With further exploration, I expect to uncover even more devastating abilities."

". . . you mentioned a forbidden technique. What makes it forbidden?"

"Look!" Xzina exclaims, as a door appears in their view.

Excitedly, they accelerate their pace.

In the darkness, they climb swiftly, using their tails for speed, guided by Xzina's navigation.

Reaching the door, Neo sees light filtering through the cracks. Though locked, it is no obstacle; he forces it open with his tail.

Water begins to leak through as the door opens.

Splashing into the light, a wave of nostalgia washes over him.

This place . . . feels eerily familiar.

He looks up, seeing the rope stretching endlessly upward. It feels like the base of another realm.

A fleeting thought crosses his mind.

Does this place also have a sealing? In this world bathed in light, the brightness was almost blinding. The warmth of the light upon his skin felt so serene, so ethereal.

But all curious thoughts are put on hold. In this moment, his mind is consumed with one objective: saving Charlotte.

"There it is! The power we need to save her," says Xzina, her gaze fixed ahead. In the distance, a towering pillar of the water-like fluid stands resplendent.

They take not one step forward before halting abruptly . . . a closed door materializes between them and the pillar.

. . . Creeeeak.