Chapter: 10 Gong Yuxian aim to be a proper wife

After Feng Qianhui left Sky return back to his house and upon opening his door he saw Gong Yuxian sitting on the chair with a worried expression and when their eyes met, Gong Yuxian quickly stand up and rush to embrace Sky, and Sky just stroke her back gently feeling that he is a little stupid to make his Little Blue worried.

"Stupid! Why didn't you tell me that you are so strong if I knew of it i wound't have to worry about you!" said Gong Yuxian while hitting Sky's chest lightly with her cute fists, earning a chuckle from Sky and just let her vent, a few moments later Gong Yuxian stop and just lay her head on Sky's chest and embrace him.

"Tired Little Blue." Said Sky while Gong Yuxian just kept silent for a few seconds and look at Sky's face and caress it with her right hand.

"I was worried about you, I really was ever since grand mistress suddenly appeared, I can't stop thinking what she would do to us, and hearing her want to separate made me very scared of losing you, after we just became lovers." Said Gong Yuxian with red eyes while pouting her lips, worry visible on her expression which made Sky sigh and lower his head to peck her forehead.

"Wife I am sorry for making you worry please don't be angry." Said Sky while Gong Yuxian just nodded her head and then she realized something wrong with what Sky called her.

"Did you just call me your wife!" said Gong Yuxian with her eyes widen to which Sky just nod his head with a teasing smile making Gong Yuxian's cheeks flush pink and lower her head.

"Shameless! We aren't even married yet hmp!" mumble Gong Yuxian while a smile slowly appeared on her face, and then they remain in each other's embrace.

Then Sky told her everything about what he talk with grand mistress also about the 1,000 year calamity that will happen after the founding of Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace, which made Gong Yuxian nervous, but he told her that he already made plans with Feng Qianhui on how to stop the calamity which ease Gong Yuxian's worry.

Then they spend the night sleeping in the same bed, much to the embarrassment of Gong Yuxian which just made Sky laugh and pull her in bed, sleeping while feeling each other's presence made Gong Yuxian happy and slept with a smile on her face.

The days passed Gong Yuxian didn't return to her sect for Sky is training her, after he opened all of her profound entrances which made Gong Yuxian's cultivating speed fast and with the help of Sky's Qi gathering pills, she break through a lot of realms easily.

When they are not cultivating they just spend time with each other, Gong Yuxian decide to learn how to cook as she aim to be a proper wife for Sky, well even though she is a beginner she made a delicious meal for a first timer, earning a praise from Sky making Gong Yuxian happy.