Chapter: 23 Xiao Che and Xiao Lingxi’s Happily Ever After

A few days Xiao Lie Xiao Lingxi and Xiao Che return at Floating Cloud City, when they enter there was a lot of people looking at them while whispering made Xiao Lie raise his eyebrows in wonder which made him use his profound hearing to hear, some of the people are whispering making his face pale white and rush towards the Xiao Clan's location, for he heard destruction and offending and last Xiao Clan's demise, making Xiao Che and Xiao Lingxi look at each other and run to follow Xiao Lie.

When they are arrived they saw the remains of the Xiao Clan, busted gates corpses of a Xiao Elders on the ground made them wonder what happened, just as they were about to enter they heard a voice behind them.

"Old Lie!" said a worried voice making Xiao Lie look behind and saw a slightly overweight middle age man with a worried face his name is Xia Hongyi the sworn brother of Xiao Lie's son.

"Hongyi what happened to the Xiao Clan while I was away." said Xiao Lie making Xia Hongyi explain everything from the rumors that Xiao Yulong and Xiao Yang offending a powerful fairy and the said fairy warn and spare them, but the Xiao Clan elders sent Xiao Cheng the chief of law enforcement of Xiao Clan to apprehend the said fairy, enraging the fairy which killed Xiao Cheng and that wasn't enough the fairy fly towards the Xiao Clan manor and bust open the gates, then a few passerby was watching from a far and saw how the fairy easily kill the rest of the Xiao Elders and enter the Xiao Clan Manor leaving cold dead bodies on the ground, there were screams inside the Xiao Manor and a few moments later a lot of Xiao Clan disciples run away from the manor, and when morning arrive a few people peek inside and they saw the Clan head was killed alongside Xiao Yulong and Xiao Yang with broken necks and there was no sign of the fairy probably already left.

Made Xiao Lie worried for the said fairy is probably a Sky profound realm cultivator, for only those who reach those realms can fly making Xiao Lie sigh for he already knew with the attitude of the Xiao Clan they would definite offend a powerful expert someday.

Xia Hongyi also add that his daughter Xia Qingyue was accepted as the disciple of the fairy so there is no need to worry that Xiao Lie and the rest will be killed, but he also inform Xiao Lie that the fairy who took Xia Qingyue as disciple was from Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace, and that those woman can't have relationship with men made Xiao Lie understand that the engagement between Xia and Xiao Clan will not be happening, but Xia Hongyi said that he will do his best to help Xiao Lie re-establish the Xiao Clan Manor making Xiao Lie felt slightly better.

When the Xiao Manor was rebuild Xiao Lie told the truth to Xiao Che that he was adopted making Xiao Che and Xiao Lingxi stunned, but it also made Xiao Lingxi happy for she deeply love and care for her little Che.

"Grandfather even if I am not blood related I will always be your grandson Xiao Che." said Xiao Che with a serious face making Xiao Lie smile knowing that his grandson is starting to be confident and Xiao Lingxi was imagining since they are not blood related they can marry right.

A few months later Xiao Lie as the head of the Xiao Clan announced that Xiao Che is not his blood related grandson and that Xiao Che will marry his only daughter Xiao Lingxi which made the whole Floating Cloud City shock at the announcement while Xia Hongyi personally congratulate Xiao Lie and the kids.

A few months earlier after Xiao Che learn that he is not really blood related he started studying business under Xia Hongyi along with Xia Yuanba their only friend, and before they left on a business trip outside Floating Cloud City, Xiao Lingxi called out to Xiao Che confessing her love to him and Xiao Che accepting her confession shocking both Xia Hongyi and Xia Yuanba, to which Xiao Che told them that he is not really a Xiao Clansmen made them sigh in relief and felt happy for Xiao Che, since he couldn't marry Xia Qingyue they were feeling guilty and sad but when Xiao Lingxi confess her love they were happy and congratulate them.

Then today is the wedding of Xiao Che and Xiao Lingxi the Xiao Clan Manor is full of guests, they are the people that Xiao Che and Xia Hongyi befriend from outside Floating Cloud City during their business trips, which are invited to Xiao Che and Xiao Lingxi's wedding they congratulate the young couple especially Xiao Che, for even after knowing that Xiao Che is a cripple they didn't disdain him, for Xiao Che became one the famous merchants to ever exist and a lot of people were happy for Xiao Che's wedding.

Xia Hongyi and Xia Yuanba was surprise to see Xia Qingyue arrive at the wedding, and see her apologize and congratulate Xiao Che to which Xiao Che just smile and forgive Xia Qingyue, and ask her to spend more time with her family making Xia Qingyue happy and have a good impression of Xiao Che, naturally Xiao Lie saw what happened and was happy that the wedding of his daughter and son in law was without troubles.

When the night arrive Xiao Lingxi and Xiao Che enter their room to consummate their wedding vows, and when morning arrive Xiao Lingxi was very shy seeing her father's smile at them making her pinch Xiao Che's waist, making Xiao Che felt pain and ask Xiao Lingxi for forgiveness with a wry smile making Xiao Lie happy to witness their banters.

And then a few months later Xiao Lingxi was pregnant and Xiao Che will become a father made Xiao Lie and Xia Hongyi happy they celebrate and return drunk in their houses, the Floating Cloud City now remove the title of useless waste from Xiao Che, and was replace with the most rich mechant of Floating Cloud City, some people idolize Xiao Che and even tried to become merchants to be like him, Xiao Lie watch as Xiao Che and Xiao Lingxi and their daughter Xiao Chengxi lived happily ever after.