Chapter: 32 Frozen Cloud Seven Fairies Bath Talk

After the Grand Mistress announcement she quickly left and return to her room while the rest of the Frozen Cloud Seven Fairies are now taking a bath together while talking about the sudden announcement.

"Sister Yue Chan what are we going to do we became your father's concubine won't the Palace Mistress punish us." ask Murong Qianxue with a worried look on her face clearly afraid that their Palace Mistress might punish them all worst kill them for being her husband's concubines.

"Sister Qianxue don't panic Mother won't punish us for the Grand Mistress was the one who made us Father's concubines so be at ease and relax." replied Chu Yue Chan with a smile as she lay her naked body on the bath pool.

Hearing it made Murong Qianxue calm a bit for she realize that if the Palace Mistress really become angry she just have to say that it was the Grand Mistress who order us.

"Sister Yue Li I know that your father is a good man but I have something very important to ask." whisper Mu Lanyi making Chu Yue Li raise her eyebrows wonder why Mu Lanyi has to whisper.

"What is it Sister Lanyi I will answer any questions you have about father." said Chu Yue Li and hearing her answer made Mu Lanyi took a deep breath before asking her something embarrassing.

"Does it really hurt when man took a woman's virginity." ask Mu Lanyi with a shade of red on her cheeks and hearing her question made Chu Yue Li almost choke on her saliva and everyone else became embarrass at the question.

"Sister Lanyi how could you ask something so embarrassing shame on you!" said Feng Hanxue while Feng Hanyue nod her head in approval making Mu Lanyi lower her head in shame while the rest of the girls were curious.

"Ahem! Sisters don't gang up on our sister Lanyi she is just curious and so are you girls so stop acting like pure maidens." said Chu Yue Chan with a little shade of red on her cheeks but decide to talk since she is the leader of her group.

"Well does it really hurt Sister Yue Chan." said Mu Lanyi asking Chu Yue Chan since Chu Yue Li was being silent while the rest of the girls close their eyes and were pretending to be not be interested, but their ears were clearly moving showing they are interested to know.

"Well to satisfy you girls curiosity I will tell you that according to what mother said, it really hurts the first time but the second and the next few times are not for it became pleasurable for both, alright any other questions." said Chu Yue Chan trying to stop herself not to lower her head from explaining such embarrassing things, while the rest of the girls were frighten hearing it's painful at first and hearing the next few times will be pleasurable made them all act shy and bashful.

"Then sister Yue Chan and sister Yue Li are you fine with it being your father's concubine." ask Jun Lianqie who was silent from the start and decide to ask a serious question to the Chu sisters.

"Hmm well I know that the moment I accepted being my father's concubine our relationship with mother will be a little awkward, but even so I love my father for he is the only man I will ever love and just so you all know that mother even knows that Li'er and I were in love with father so it will be less awkward." said Chu Yue Chan surprising the rest of the fairies.

"I love both Mother and Father for they are our family ever since we were adopted by them, I don't know what will be mother's reaction towards me and elder sister becoming father's concubines, but even so I want to be a woman in father's eyes I will ask mother for forgiveness when she return but I decided to be true to my feelings." said Chu Yue Li with a serious look on her face making their sisters amazed at Chu Yue Li's resolve.

After that the rest of the girls continue talking about other things such as how would they will make a good impression on their Lord Husband, Chu Yue Chan and Chu Yue Li told the Frozen Cloud Seven Fairies that their father/husband like it when a woman knows how to cook, be gentle, caring and also know how to respect others.

Hearing those words the fairies decide to learn how to cook and learn how to be a good housewife to please their husband, after that they decide to call it a day and left the bath to return to their own rooms to start studying how to be a good housewife.

The next day Gong Yuxian and Sky return towards their Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace after their date, they had a lot of fun outside but they still have to return back to let everyone in the Sect know that they are an official couple.

What they didn't know is that they will be in for a surprise.