Chapter 40

[A/N:So see you guys next week.]

One of the Mercenary was ordering around rest of his group,but he stops in mid-sentence and his eyes bug out as he looks down in surprise at a long blade bursting from his stomach.He keels over forwards to reveal a huge knife through his back and, standing behind him, the petite figure who put it there.It was Katana who starts to tie her hair in a ponytail and she then pulls a pair of knives from her little utility belt and begins to flip them around, as she asked: "Who's next?"

When the mercenaries readies their guns,Katana doesn't move, but with jaw-dropping precision, employs the contents of her utility belt as throwing Knives and Kunai's whistle through the air, taking down six guys in quick succession.

Katana then uses telekinesis on a knife spins down the length of the corridor, neatly decapitating a seventh. The eighth guy looks behind him in dismay as he tries to flee as Katana jumps, flips through the air, and lands right there in front of him, a small knife to his throat. She grins and delicately slits his throat making his slow and painful.

The mercenary leader Dongfang and his right hand Mujank look at one another in disbelief, as they both stand frozen in shock as Katana launches herself at them. Suddenly another girl appears before them blocking her sword strike causing Katana to be surprised as quickly jumps back sensing this girl was like her and enhanced. The girl in question was grinning at her and said"So you are Katana Dr.Tenro told me about you, and nice to meet you I am your replacement, Yuriko."

Katana scowled at the new girl Yuriko as she throws two throwing knives at Yuriko who dodges it easily and smirked at Katana, who just scoffs and said"Just turn back and see."

Yuriko looked back to see the Mercenary leader and his righthand had knives pieces thought their skull. Yuriko let out a growl as both lunges at each other and their weapons clash as both are equal in terms of strength and speed.Katana manages to trap the sword-point between two of the dagger blades, For a moment, both girls are eye to eye, their weapons locked together, then, Yuriko forces Katana backward. Both girls, fueled by super-human speed, lunge, and spin across the floor in a blurred dance of lethal moves. Yuriko lands a powerful blow on Katana's shoulder, the sword-edge biting deep into her flesh as Katana lets out a scream. Yuriko feeling overconfident withdraws the sword for another strike until Katana sees an opening and takes it, slicing Yuriko's left arm off at the shoulder,katana then stabbing Yuriko right through the skull killing her instantly as Katana who was bathed in blood just walked way from massacre she just did.

Katana was bathed in blood as she made way to find Nobleman,while her other two sibilings Ironhead and Tek are taking care of guards outside the building.

While Nobleman was waiting in the Hallway as Dr.Tenro and his best enhanced Jin shows up as Tenro with a smile said"Look how much have you grown Nobleman.I know you want to extend your life, just join me, and point me towards where the Tribrid is."

Nobleman chuckled and replied, "After everything you did to us, you expect me to join you."

Dr.Tenro scowled and whispers"His bad luck." as he gestures Jin to kill him.

Jin speds towards Nobleman and starts attacking as Nobleman absorbs the blows, ducks down, grabs Jin by the legs, lifts him, and dumps him on the ground with a resounding thud. Obviously, Jin is stronger and with tremendous punching skills, as with each punch Nobleman evaded was powerful enough to cause the concrete walls to fully crack.

Nobleman starts raining down punches and kicks, pulverizing Jin's face and body. But Jin soon gets an opening and throws him off as he gets up and nails Nobleman with a front kick to the chest causing Nobleman to stagger back as he spits a mouthful of blood on the ground.

Nobleman pats the dust from his coast as he gets serious as Jin speds towards him and throws a right,but gets easily blocked by Nobleman. Jin tries leg kick,by again Blocked. Nobleman snaps his head with a jab he does it again and again. Then he decks him with a hard right, sending Jin to the ground to the shock of Jin, Nobleman grabs the back of Jin's head, hauls it down, and launches knee after knee into his face.

Nobleman then starts throwing Jin around like a rag doll, striking him with vicious punches and kicks, Nobleman continues to pound. It's a full-fledged beating going on in there. Finally, he crushes Jin with a vicious left hook and sends him sprawling to the ground unconscious.As Nobleman takes a gun and shoots Jin multiple times in the head.

While Tenro was horrified seeing the outcome as he tries to run away only to see Alex right inform of him a flick of his hand Alex knocks Tenro out. Alex then looks at a Nobleman and clapped seeing one of the best fights till now.