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Alex was able to transfer much of the monsters in Malivore to newly created prison world.After that he was able remove Malivore from this world forever.But then the question was what to do with Landon and Clarke,it was decided both were going to be killed off as they proved to be problematic.

Alex decided to use Hope's blood to create a potion to kill Clarke and Landon for good,it was the best method to kill a golem like them so they cannot return through any other method.The potion would completely erase any chance of them ever returning.

Alex reaches into his pocket, removes two tiny vial of the potion.Alex gripping Clarke by the hair,

jerks his head back and tips the contents of the vial onto his tongue.Clarke makes an attempt to spit,but couldn't as his face slackens.

As he slowly dissolves into nothing,but mud the same thing was done to Landon who before begged"I didn't mean to do it,he tricked me."

Alex was always annoyed by London,any boyfriend would be if you girlfriend is being stalked by someone.But he let Landon live for two things

1)Alex could feel Landon was linked to Malivore,so he wasn't sure how much the whole link Landon extended too ,the whole thing could act vise versa.So he decided to kill Landon off when the captured Malivore.The whole thing was problematic to think off.

No matter how much Landon begged,Alex just ignored it as he then forced the potion down Landon's throat leading him too turn to mud too.

Klaus seeing this said"So we are done with Malivore,now the only thing remains is Kitsune's."

Alex decided add in"No,actually there is gods to deal with too."

Kol was serious and said"Those gods are sealed for now.But if someone is looking for a way to unseal them,then we have a problem."

Klaus nodded,he had grim look on his face he had talk with his counterparts daughter,who explained things during one of their talks.

These gods existed even before 8000 BC, though how they came into creation is unknown. Despite this, they're still subjected to Nature's balance, though to a ill-defined degree.Their magic is unique known a Gods magic since each god has something unique to her own like Zeus is master of lighting,Hephaestus was master in smith and whatever she creates becomes indestructible and quite a powerful magical artifact.All these information was from Dark Hope,who was send back to her universe.


Alexander was now counselling Dark Hope through lot of mind healing it took him weeks to get her to open up and slowly understand her issues she bottled up through the years.Alex had to play all her important memories in her mind to let her see what was wrong everything small she missed and what her subconscious picked up.Also Klaus and Hailey talking to her helped her a lot,it was pretty emotional moment for Dark Hope.

Dark Hope was staring at Alexander saying"My counterpart is lucky to have someone like you as her life partner."

Alex gave small smile abd replied"Maybe you will find one too."

Dark Hope sighed and said"I thought Landon was my future,but it seems I was clinging to him like he is some sort security blanket and it took me years to understand the issue."

Alex nodded and replied"Don't worry you will be able to move one and live your life like your parents wanted for you."

Dark Hope nodded,while Alex asked"I have to ask could you help me with some of the memories of Aurora and the gods,like where are there sarcophagus.Also who released them."

Dark Hope replied"I don't know that,but the one who has the key is Hephaestus or Vulcan is still walking among us,she goes by the name Jen or Jennifer.She is a student in Whitmore college.I am also sure she was the one who hid it."
