Chapter 83

Freya wanted to check one of the book stores in Diagon alley, so the rest of the family went to walk around.

Freya was looking around the shop, when she a women looking at her, she had dirty-blonde and eyes that we're pale silvery.Freya did not know why, but something about the women seemed to

The women looked like she was studying her, so Freya spoke up"Can I help you?"

The women smiled and asked"Are you Freya Mikaelson."

Freya was wary, but the women seems to be excited to notice and introduced herself"My name is Pandora Lovegood and I read about your theories in spell creation.....I just wanted to say it is an honor to meet you."

Freya smiled remembering the name Lovegood and quickly connected it to Luna Lovegood, so she slowly relaxed seeing women really just wanted to talk, while Pandora started to talk about spell creation theories and Freya added her own theories.

Pandora was loving it and talked about her new research.But they were cut short, when an eccentric-looking wizard, who looked slightly cross-eyed and had shoulder length hair that was the texture of candyfloss.He wore a cap with a tassel that dangled in front of his nose, and wore a golden chain around his neck, that bore the sign of the Deathly Hallows.

Pandora introduced Freya to her husband"This is my husband Xenophilius Lovegood, he works as the editor of The Quibbler magazine."

Freya remembered the magazine and with weak smile said"I once read it, you have quite interesting theories."

Xeno smiles and replied"Thank you."with that the couple said goodbye to Freya and walked away.

What Freya didn't know at the time was that this little encounter would change Pandora life.

While Elijah met up with Greegrass family and after that went to meet Longbottom and Potter family.Who were wary of him, but he told them about renting some of there land in there possession.

They set up a meeting, also one of the reasons Elijah wanted connections with these two families is because he had feeling Hope will intervene with time, so having connections with them will make the relationship go easier.

But the funny thing is it was not Hope, but Klaus who intervenes.Also, it seems Alex also sensed that Lily and James were already marked with death, so there was no rescuing them.

Lily Potter was the one going through the contract to check if everthing was in order.Lily looked at Elijah and said"This is very huge amount, I mean 5,000,000(five million) galleons a month."

This came to a shock for all do them, since this would practically make them richer than Malfoys and Blacks in a couple of years.

[A/N:Bellatrix Lestrange possesses a staggering 421,686,753 Galleons, or $2.1 billion.

Lucius possesses 321,285,145 Galleons, or $1.6 Billion(1,000,000,000).

Harry's net worth is 319,995 Galleons, or $2.6 million(1,600,000).]

James and Frank jaws dropped in shock, while both family was wealthy they never had this much money.The Longbottom and Potter family had the same amount of wealth.

James broke out his shock and with slight curiosity questioned"What is this new project about?"

Elijah smiled and replied"We have multiple projects, but for now we are focusing on a new brooms company."

James eyes had a glint hesring about new brooms and questioned Elijah more about it, while Elijah revealed only some information.But that was enough to blow James mind, who in awe muttered"That will blow any competition for new two decades."

Elijah smiled and added"We are also working on a project to help werewolves to find job?"

Alice Longbottom smiled at Elijah"That is very kind of you."

Lily was not sure and asked"Why are you helping werewolves, I know the wizarding community does not accept them and some have been pushing them away.So what made you want to do this?"

Elijah nodded and explained"It may surprise you , but MACUSA are already making headway with recruiting werewolves for jobs and my brother has recently created a potions that would help werewolves to not have go through there painful tranformation."

Frank being Auror never heard about this and asked"Why haven't we heard anything about this?"

Elijah sighed and explained"Do you really believe pure blood elites in your community will ever accept this."

This new initiative has been considered to be good by some of the magical communities like France and India.But communities like British were disgusted with whole thing.

James and Frank grumbled about pure blood idiots, but James was also happy and wanted to tell Moony about this, since he belived Moony will be over the moon about this.

But then he remembered how Moony has been around less he waved it off and promised to tell him, when they see each other again. It

Both sides sighed,Elijah stood up and straighting his suit said"It was good meeting you and have a good day."

Frank and Alice smiled and said goodbye, while Lily and James wanted to tell Remus about this.But they will never get the chance as war will get more worse and they will get integrated into the Order of Pheonix.