Chapter 88

The Longbottoms soon moved to US, but at the time they were visited by Dumbledore who wanted to know where they were going.But Longbottoms did not say anything and kept him out if the loop, which frustrated the old man.He got a taste of his own medicine.

Also Alex decided to get Sirius Black out, he easily got there with Hope and Davina with him

.Hope felt she was being coddled too much and decided to join in and Davina decided to come too for safety reasons.

Azkaban was a fortress on an island in the middle of the North Sea. It served the magical community of Great Britain as a prison for convicted criminals. Azkaban was built in the 15th century and it had been in use as a detention facility since 1718.Using certain Charms, Azkaban was hidden from the Muggle world, and was Unplottable.

Then, around the corner, gliding noiselessly, came Dementors, ten or more of them, visible because they were of a denser darkness than their surroundings, with their senses.

They seemed to be coming more quickly now, taking those dragging, rattling breaths he detested, tasting despair on the air, closing in 

Dementors had a humanoid shape, approximately 4 metres, or 12 feet high, and were covered in long robes and hooded cloaks of ripped black cloth, making them closely resemble wraiths. Their skins were grey, slimy, and decayed-looking, like a decomposing corpse. Their breathing emitted a rattling sound, like it was trying to "suck more than air" out of a room. Their hands were "glistening, greyish, slimy-looking, and scabbed". They seemed to exude an aura of cold. 

Alex knew he had act quickly and used his ability to manipulate time to freeze everyone including Dementors in place.It was pulse of energy that was sent in every direction.

Hope and Davina looked around in amazement to discover that every Dementor in the prison area was frozen in place. They looked ready to come at them.

Davina frowned felt every good feeling, every happy memory will be sucked out of you. If it can, the Dementor will feed on you long enough to reduce you to something like itself... soulless and evil. You will be left with nothing but the worst experiences of your life, and you will just be an empty shell that lost its soul.

While Hope felt the unnatural cold begin to steal over the whole place. Light was sucked from the environment right up to the stars, which vanished... The cold was biting deeper and deeper into their flesh...Hope the with slight shutter said"Let's move quickly, I hate these things."

Davina agreed and muttered"The one who created these things are worse than Esther or Arcadius."

She knew from the books she read that there creator was Ekrizdis, who was a 15th-century  Dark wizard and was the original inhabitant of the fortress of Azkaban.

Alone on Azkaban's island, which was at the time uncharted by both Muggles and wizardkind, Ekrizdis practised the worst kinds of Dark Magic. He would often lure passing Muggle sailors to his fortress only to torture and murder them. He was believed to have lost his sanity during his years of solitude. After Ekrizdis's death, the Concealment Charms he placed on the fortress and island faded, and the British Ministry of Magic, suddenly aware of the island's existence, investigated. Other than the fact that the building was infested with Dementors, investigators refused to discuss what other evidence of Ekrizdis's activities they found within Azkaban.

Davina remembered how Kol read some of his ideas and practices.Even Kol was disgusted and threw the book away to darkest part of the library.

Kol was more of Grey magic user, so this level of dark magic only disgusted him.

Alex walked through the prison to find Sirius, he found Bellatrix,Rabastan, Barty Jnr,Rodolphus,Augustus Rookwood and

Antonin Dolohov.

Hope glared at these people and asked"Should we kill them?"

Alex was thoughtful and then replied"I can place a death mark on them, so when they escape they will still die.Also we can take Rookwood with us, since he is a unspeakable and also an inner member of Voldemorts circle.So we can get quite a bit of information from him."

Davina and Hope agreed with that, while Alex went and placed Death marks on all of them.It would be interesting to see how Moldyshorts react to this.

Alex looked at Rookwood and raised his sleeping body slowly into the air.Rookwood floated higher and higher until he hovered safely above the his line of sight.

Alex placed the puppet, which was the perfect copy of Rookwood and even had charms that made sure Dementors did not notice him.

They soon made there way to find Sirius Black,a sleeping Rookwood floated behind them.

And they soon found him Sirius he had prematurely aged beyond that of a man in his twenties .He had a gaunt, sunken face, waxy skin, yellow teeth, and long, matted hair.He looked as a corpse might.It has just been two year, since he has been locked up here.