Green Messenger's Gifts

"From now on he will be your King!"

Hearing this, Rex looks at the man sitting on a throne unconsciously.

The person sitting on the throne or the King is a massive man, he's bigger than Rex who is considered a big man by many others.

A black sleeveless combat suit hugged the king's body tightly, his black long robe lies on the ground, and a black crown rest on his head giving him an authoritative pressure over the others

The king's body is much more muscular than Rex's, there's a nine-headed crow tattoo on his shoulder that makes the black crow tattoo on Rex's chest heat up when he looks at the nine-headed crow.

He's sitting idly on the throne, scanning the new recruits.

Rex looks around and thought, 'I thought there will be more people'

There are only about fourteen new recruits including him and Liliya, they're all wearing different color robes. There are blue, red, brown, white, black, and green.