Vulvazith Demon

Rex stares at Rosie intently still with the same burning eyes,

The effect from the Violet Moon still affected him greatly, and with their intercourse interrupted this makes him even more desperate.

Rosie looks at Rex in horror,

Although she already steeled her will to give herself to Rex, she didn't expect to be in this kind of situation.

They're currently out in the open, the train is already wrecked apart.

Many of the blue demons are also attacking the other passengers, and their screams of pain and pleading can be heard in the background.

Rosie is half-naked wearing only her black thin underwear,

When they're doing explicit things on the train before, it can be classified as a public place but the other passengers give them space so Rosie didn't mind.

But now, she's exposed to the others and Rex is staring at her intently.