Arrival of the Nine-Headed Crow




The Green Messenger is currently fighting the cold Vampire in the sky, both of them are like two gasses clashing on the sky that lit up the night with red and green energy.

Every time they clash, a shockwave was created.

Liliya felt her body trembles whenever the Green Messenger clashes, it was a fight that is way out of her league since she can't even do anything against the shockwave besides hiding behind a rock to shelter her from these shockwaves.


The Green Messenger tries to catch the cold Vampire off guard, but every time he did that the cold Vampire manages to turn his body into liquid blood resulting in the Green Messenger's attack missing every time.

He can't touch the cold Vampire at that moment,

It was exactly like punching water, his hand just went straight through after making a splash.


Both of them separated after clashing one more time,