Mother's Intuition

The morning that day,

Just like expected a few agents from the FAA come knocking to Rex's mansion asking about the thing that happened in sector 3B, the dead FAA Awakened is the main topic.

Everything in sector 3B is destroyed because of Zaddrass,

But with the masked figures as the black goat, Rex can get out of their suspicion easily.

Although Rex doesn't want the FAA and even the UWO to pursue after Billy who is clearly the main culprit since he's the one that took Ryze, he has to if not then he will be in the spotlight.

That spotlight can quickly turn for the worst if he takes one wrong step.

'I'm sorry Billy, but you did it anyway knowing full well that Ryze is with me. You didn't even justify anything to me', Rex thought with a sight.

Rex explained everything that happened that night excluding Ryze's part.