Path of Ascension

Rex stood there in his spot without moving an inch while Agatha kept pulling on him.

She was baffled that she can't even pull Rex off of his spot, it was like pulling on a wooden totem that is already engraved into the ground by the Enchanter. Completely unmovable no matter how much she tried.

"Please, it's been ten minutes and my Uncle would arrive any moment now", Agatha pleaded.

Upon hearing this Rex's expression turns from indifferent to troubled, he was looking straight at Agatha that is still trying so hard to help him leave the place For a second there he clenched his other fist.

It was nothing but a thought but the urge to kill Agatha right now is knocking on the door.

Even the fact that he didn't kill her right now is completely insane as his entire body is already trembling, and his fingernails slowly turn back and forth to claws from these conflicts of feeling.

Blood slowly seeped out of the fist from the claws stabbing his palm.