Goddesses of Fire

Mass release as requested, hope it's enough to satiate your hungry eyes!

For the gifts and supports that you guys have given to me, I'm very thankful. I hope you guys will keep reading until the end, there are still many things that would shock you guys in store!

Happy reading!


In spite of the oddness and the thick air between them because of the incident that has transpired, for this moment alone they are no longer adversaries, their excitement is overwhelming. After their recent breakthrough, their disregard everything as their joy is uncontainable.

The blazing purple and dark red fire melded together instead of clashing violently.

Each swayed beside the other creating friction of mana that doesn't turn chaotic, instead, it forms into a complementary pair. Something like this is unheard of, and yet their fire elements which are different in nature showed that this is possible.