
A heavy atmosphere dawn on them as the three walk through the hallway with slow steps.

Various thoughts swirled around their minds about the incident at the throne room before, it was a very rare occurrence for Rex to be this angry at them to the point that he doesn't even want to talk to them.

Gistella could feel her body feeling weak, she couldn't stand the tension in the throne room.

It reminded of her that time when she mistakenly exposes her Werewolf side to Rex's deceased foster mother, Mrs. Greene. He was really angry at that time, and there was no speck of mercy when he reaches that point.

"B- Both of you should've started with apologizing first..." Gistella suddenly said.

Evelyn raises her gaze when she heard this, she then tilted her head in skepticism, "But why...? He has gotten closer with Calidora lately, and I'm only trying to prove myself to him that I could do way better than her"