
Adhara listened to his answer and remained silent, averting her gaze away.

Seeing the peculiar look on her face, Rex sighed in hesitance.

"I know that you might feel foreign and unappreciated because I didn't share the plan to you, but you and Evelyn are better off not knowing. Believe me when I say that I'm only doing this to keep you safe" Rex crossed his arms, deciding to give her some form of assurance.

But this assurance was replied with a frown from Adhara.

Contrary to what he was expecting her to respond, he received a frown from her instead.

"What are you saying, Rex? I thought we already passed this" She mused, putting her hands on her waist and shaking her head. "No matter what you do, I trust your decision. I'm not troubled about that right now"

"I was thinking about what to do with him" Adhara pointed to a figure on the side.

Rex turned to the figure, a unique young dark elf.