False Invincibility

Listening and seeing it firsthand is a completely different feeling.

Rex has already heard so much fear other races had towards the famous Rastrikan Demons.

All of the gruesome atrocities they have committed in the past, survived through thousands of years, living inside the memory of their victims. It must've left a very deep impression for their feats to survive the test of time.

Due to that, it was also expected that they would not pick and choose their victims.

Sympathy or other related traits were not present in their hearts.

No matter if it's old or young, woman or man, civilians or not, they kill everybody regardless.

Knowing what to expect from the Rastrikan Demons helps Rex prepare himself mentally for the possibility of seeing something outrageous. The amount of horror he had seen was not a joke either, he's not easily disturbed or irked by gruesome acts anymore.