Soulreaver Lance

"Welcome back, Executor...!"

In front of the castle, hundreds of people bowed deeply and greeted the Executor.

Since there was nothing they could do aside from believing in the hardly-human entity called the Executor who has ruled over the entire Ratmawati City and cities under it, the Awakened, Black Hands, and military personnel dedicated themselves to him.

When the Executor heads back, a communication was sent.

Everyone who was tasked to guard the castle prepared a charade to greet the Executor.

Neatly lined military vehicles from SUVs and even tanks could be seen, creating a pompous path behind the deeply bowing people that ended at the castle's entrance, a sight that was quite marvelous to view.

Despite his arrogance, the gesture cracks a smile on his face.

"Looks like people started to understand their place" the Executor mused, derisively.