Drakar the Red Giant

In the early, somber hours of the morning when the birds were only starting to chirp, Daniel meditated in his bedroom, suspended in tranquil levitation. Meanwhile, his wife, who refused to stay in Dargena City and wanted to accompany him instead, rested on the bed.

She looked very peaceful in her sleep, covered by a furred blanket.

Currently, the two of them are staying in the Tigerman's capital city, Klaigan City.

Being an emissary of the Silverstar Pack, the representative of their diplomatic relationship is hard work. Daniel was required to attend numerous meetings to discuss the current situation with the newly awakened older Tigermen who demanded an explanation.

Finding that they were under a new rule definitely displeased them.

It must've been a tough pill to swallow—the bitter realization struck them hard as they were being treated like expendable pawns, capable of changing masters at a whim, a blow to their code of honor and pride.