Unknown Risks

Had Evelyn known what Calidora was doing, she would've cursed Calidora to death.

In every move that she made, there was always ulterior motives.

Evelyn's personal bias against Calidora fueled her to always be skeptical, as it surely wasn't always the case. However, for this very moment, she wasn't entirely wrong if she suspects Calidora was doing this for her personal gain.

'Good, if he rests here, he would be engaged emotionally' Calidora pondered.

A moment earlier, she had sensed that Rex had fallen asleep.

Despite the part where she told him to rest because of his wounded cursed source earlier was true, she also did that in order to make Rex feel more at ease. He hadn't been sleeping, she could tell from the look in his eyes.

Some Supernaturals don't require sleeping to function properly.

Nothing would happen to their body and minds if they decided to not sleep forever.

But even then, sleeping isn't entirely useless for them.