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Something happened at the supply route that was just secured from the usurpers.

In mere moments, the Supernatural skirmishers were absolutely destroyed and brought down by Linsguanx with little to no effort at all. His diversified summoned creatures were way more than enough to deal with this small matter.

Even Lisnguanx was confused as to why the Executor summoned him for this.

Amongst anything, this was an insult to his power.

But when the battle was nearing the end, there was an aura that appeared out of nowhere.

It piqued Lisnguanx's interest as this one is way stronger.

Despite the extraordinary senses that Linsguanx possessed, locating the source of this aura proved to be very tedious. Soon enough, the summoned creatures of chaos began to suffer a sudden stiffening, collapsing to the ground one by one.

All that were affected by this was banished back to the chaos realm.