An Executor No Longer


In another part of the Dead Man's Creek, the Executor is hurtled and crashes hard.

Blood gushed from his mouth as he sustained a forceful strike that sent him staggering back.

Standing on his way to reach his goal, the Shapeshifters, blending with the environment and couldn't be set apart seamlessly managed to strike the Executor with a ruthless attack, their collective tentacles morphing into a formidable whip that lashed out at the Executor.

Observing his surroundings, the Executor couldn't tell where the Shapeshifters were.

He couldn't believe anything that he was seeing right now.

A tree or even an inanimate object like a boulder might be a Shapeshifter in disguise.

Not to mention—on top of the Shapeshifters that somehow managed to put him in an illusion world—they also cloaked some Passues in the area with their power, fully erasing their scent—sound, and even aura.