Be of Use to Me Still

Rex and Kyran gasped when the entrance to the warehouse was dragged open.

It reveals a sight the two had not anticipated at all.

Both had sensed the presence of Demon energy, but this was beyond their expectations.

Inside the warehouse—a couple dozen men could be seen scattered on the ground, cloaked in a pinkish energy. All of their mouths were slack, drooling, and their eyes were tainted with the same demonic pink hue.

Clearly, they were caught in some sort of pleasurable trance.

Both their aroused expressions and lower body state the obvious dreamy ensnarement.

Moreover, the air was thick with the sickly sweet scent of enchantment.

At the center of this bizarre mess was a Demoness—her tail swished excitedly from side to side and clung to a man who was just as enraptured as the others. Her wings—deceptively angelic in appearance, fluttered sensually as she reveled in her moment of pleasure.