Nadia's Maturity

Rex loosened his body, skipping on his spot a couple of times as he prepared to attack again.

Despite being able to kill more than a hundred, a hundred more replaced them.

Glancing over his shoulder to view the city, he saw that the barrier, was already halfway to being restored, the energy leakage from the castle was what made these mutated animals vehemently attack the city.

It was a primal instinct for them to become stronger.

Just like the need to breathe for living beings—the will to be stronger was also that strong.

Due to that, these mutated animals didn't care if they were coming to a slaughterhouse.

Bending his knees downward, Rex began channeling his kingly energy.

He channeled his energy flow to cast the Primordial Step once again, but unlike before, the flow was more natural—and easier now. Rex could feel that his muscles were being infused with more and more power.