Chains of Failure

Rex was going as fast as he could to complete the Sudden Quest to heal Nivellen.

It was by far one of the hardest Sudden Quest he had done.

He needed to find three ultra-rare ingredients—as well as gather divine energy to create the cure for Nivellen's condition—to create the Celestial Purified Fire and Water. Out of the three ingredients that needed to be gathered, two of them were found through luck.

Now, Lady Luck had run out of power and he needed to get the third one himself.

One last ingredient before he completed the quest—a Phoenix Feather.

Frankly speaking, there's a genuine possibility that a phoenix might emerge in this world now overrun—by Order Beasts. After all, even Dravitar, a massive mile-long dragon—has surfaced seemingly out of nowhere.

So the appearance of a phoenix isn't beyond the realm of possibility.

But waiting was no longer an option from the very start.

"I... I don't think I'm going to make it"