
Rex noticed it too late.

Once he clawed out the Three-faced Leecher's three hearts, he created gaping holes across its form, and through those holes, he noticed another stat window inside. As it turns out, this Voidial Knight was pregnant.

Having two of its hearts crushed and its last heart wounded, it knew that death was near.

Knew that death was imminent.

Knowing that bitter truth, it decided to use its body to shield Rex from Istvan's final attack.

Naturally, it was hoping to move Rex's heart.

By sacrificing itself to protect Rex from that spear, Rex would spare and take care of its child.

And it worked.

Similarities were evident in this tiny creature with the Three-faced Leecher.

It was a younger version, less monstrous.

Its body was humanoid and its skin was ash-colored, the same as its mother but instead of having two arms—with additional tentacles on its back, this small creature's two arms were tentacles.