Chapter 27: The Clever Borg

After their eyes met, no one spoke. No one asked why they were here.

Because everyone knew in their heart why each of them had come to the school. What other purpose than the exam paper?

They just didn't want to say it out loud.

The two daughters wanted to steal the test papers in order to get high marks and make their parents happy.

The two fathers wanted to steal the test papers in order to make their daughters happy and then profit from it.

Thus, the four of them were all in the same camp, were here for the same purpose.

After the security guard checked the room, they successfully avoided suspicion.

Perhaps it was because they no longer had any worries, but the four of them did not feel nervous at all.

They quickly arrived at the archive room.

Eric immediately took out a silver needle and fiddled with the lock. Soon, the door was opened.

"Brother, you're good. You must have done that a lot in the past!"