Chapter 30: Vicious Viper

While Judith was taking part in the competition, Borg woke up from his blissful sleep. 

When he woke up, the first thing he did was to check the messages on his phone.

Then he dialed one of the numbers…

After a while, the call connected.

"Hello, is this the boss?" the voice on the other end asked in a respectful tone. He had called Borg boss as a mark of respect. 

"Have you arrived?" Borg asked sternly. 

"Still on the way!" Hearing Borg's words, the man immediately told the truth without any hesitation.

Borg was his boss, and he knew his boss's character, so he didn't dare to be negligent.

Hearing this, Borg snorted and then hung up the phone.

It seemed he was going to make his move…


"Is this the place?" After a long trek, Judith finally saw a base.

The base was encircled by a high wall, so she couldn't see the facilities inside, but she could tell that it was a huge camp.