Chapter 37: Dad, Why Are You Here?

In the presidential palace… 

When Borg and Eric arrived at the palace, they first checked the surroundings.

After observing for a while, they found that there wasn't a lot of security outside, and the rebel force wasn't very large. There weren't many people guarding the presidential palace where the hostages were imprisoned.

The two of them came here mainly to rescue the people. Fighting wasn't the first task, so after discussing their roles, they each took action.

Borg was responsible for attracting the firepower, while Eric was responsible for rescuing.

After the plan was made, the two of them decided to gather at this place once the mission was completed.

After checking the time, Borg immediately made his move. Soon, he found a target and rushed over. He instantly cut open the opponent's neck with his trusty silver dagger.

Then, he snatched the gun from his opponent's hand.