Nine-Star Rune-Master

Dawn Inn was the most famous inn in the wealthy district.


Not only did it provide room and board, baths, a library, and a training room, but as long as one was willing to spend money, there were also beautiful women to wait on them.


Those who could enter and leave this place were all high-class people with a lot of wealth. Dawn Inn's prices were extremely high, just one night's expenditure was equivalent to ten years' income for a commoner's family.


However, Lugh did not lack the money right now.


Outside Dawn Hotel, there was a beautiful, quiet garden. A cobblestone road went through the tender green grass to the hotel.


A tall doorman in uniform stood outside the door. Suddenly, he saw a young man in shabby clothes.


"Please stop..."


The doorman subconsciously tried to stop the young man, but he saw the young man throw a handful of gold coins.