The queen was a foreign creature, not a human at all.
The king was not innocent either, allowing the queen to harm the people.
The nobles wantonly abused and exploited the commoners.
No matter how glorious and beautiful this country used to be, it had completely decayed.
"Thirteenth Young Master!"
On the way, Lugh heard a shout and turned to look at Rexton.
Lugh smiled and said, "Didn't you go home to prepare the things you need for tomorrow? Why are you still wandering around outside?"
"Hey, don't mention it."
Rexton's face was full of sadness.
He said softly, "My father only gave me 3000 gold coins. What can I buy with this? The price of goods in the Xi Zhao Empire is much higher than that of the Simon Empire. When I reach the Xi Zhao Empire, it won't be long before I'm waiting to die, so I'll have to ask my sister for some more. She doesn't lack money.
"Enough talk about me. Where have you been?"