Understanding Runes

Learning runes would help the other party enter a learning state quickly. In such a state, the learning speed would be very fast.

But it was far from enough.

It was like a student encountering a difficult problem. No matter how hard he thought, he could not figure it out. At this time, no matter how good his learning ability was, it would be useless.

Only after his comprehension ability had been improved could he overcome the difficult problem in front of him and continue to learn.

Therefore, not only did he need to learn runes, but he also needed to comprehend runes.

Lugh softly said, "Comprehend."

The purple rune shadow instantly condensed.

Comprehension meaning: understand, awaken.

After silently thinking for a while, the comprehension rune condensed in Lugh's mind.

The appearance of this comprehension rune had a direct effect. It didn't need to be used passively, but could be activated on its own initiative.