Berserk Bear

The difficulty of this mission was simply too easy!

The reward was just a free gift!

"System, any Fierce Beast can do it?"


"What if the growth potential is low?"

[Host, have you forgotten? This system can allow the Divine Beasts to continuously grow and strengthen!]


Lugh only wanted to say, "The system is awesome. It can be said that it completely conforms to his inner thoughts."

When Lugh had just transmigrated to this world, he had come into contact with runes through the system and grasped powerful runes. He then joined the Divine Beast Academy and became a Beast Master with the help of the system.

Now, the system could also help Lugh train divine pets continuously.

Without a doubt, if Lugh wanted to go to the Weapon Academy now and learn military tactics or attack, the system could also produce corresponding auxiliary functions.

He commanded the Stormhawk to shake off these Demonized Bats.