Platinum Beast Master

"The people from the Beast God Cult have entered. Be careful."


Lugh led his men into the prison, heading downwards.

They saw the soldiers who were already dead.

Just as they turned a corner, they ran into eight prisoners who had escaped.

Lugh waved his hand, and the eight prisoners who had just escaped from the prison died before they could rejoice.

The prison environment was a little complicated. There were 78,000 prisoners, and it was a little complicated.

Lugh had only been here once, so he wasn't clear about the layout of the prison.



"You and Owen go guard the exit of the prison. If any prisoners escape, kill them all."

Colin and Owen didn't have spirit-type pets.

Among the people from the Beast God Cult, there might be spirit-type pets.

"The two of you, get ready to fight. Release your spirit-type pets."

"Yes, Captain."