You Have a Problem With My Emergency Response Team?

"No, Adjutant Lucy is very capable. Thanks to her help, otherwise, I wouldn't be so relaxed."

Lucas said with some melancholy, "Lucy is indeed very outstanding. In the past, I still hoped that she could take over my position... But now, it's impossible."

Lugh did not reply.

Lugh never regretted killing all of Lucy's pets and bombarding the Pavilion of Treasures.

Lucy had brought this upon herself.

Of course, Lugh did not like to dig up old scores. At least Lucy had been doing well recently.

"Major Lugh has just returned to Skylight City, right?"

Lugh nodded. "We just returned today."

"Speaking of which, recently Major Lugh's reputation..."

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

The aunt ran over to open the door. As soon as she did so, a middle-aged woman dressed in gorgeous clothes walked in.