Troublesome Dragon’s Breath

As soon as Ice Dragon slammed her claws into the ground, Lugh used all his strength to rush over. Taking advantage of Ice Dragon's attack, Lugh once again engaged in close combat with Ice Dragon. Lugh was seen coming in front of Ice Dragon. A flying kick landed on Ice Dragon's head. Ice Dragon felt as if she had been hit by a huge object. Her entire body was sent flying backward. However, she did not fly far backward. Lugh's weight was definitely too light, even if it was very fast. The weight of her body caused him to be unable to carry out much kinetic energy.

When Ice Dragon was sent flying backward, Lugh wanted to grab Ice Dragon's body and continue smashing her to the ground like before. However, after Lugh smashed her twice, he hurriedly threw Ice Dragon's body out. He also knew that... If he continued to do this, Ice Dragon would definitely make him suffer.