Seeking Help! Wyverns' Cave!

Han Lin was in a bad state!

If he had been any slower, his neck would have been chopped off by Lugh's broadsword!

Although he had used the Frost Flood Dragon source beast to possess himself in time to block this fatal blow!

But the injury was irreversible!

The immense pain and humiliation made Han Lin sober up in an instant.

This made him understand that Lugh was not a merciful person! He would not obediently hand over the key and the Wyvern baby to him!

Thus, Han Lin immediately gave an order.

"Chase after him! Capture the Wyvern alive!"

Han Lin paused and seemed to think carefully before he shouted again:

"The person is not important! Bring me the little Wyvern in his arms! And the key!"

"Bring me whoever gets it, I'll reward you handsomely!"

Thus, the Frost family's guards responded and moved!