Demon Apes vs. Swift Wind Sword Wolves

Above the short slope, the Blast Sword Wolves and the Demon Apes engaged in a fierce battle.

The three late-stage youth wolves directly surrounded the leader of the Demon Apes.

As for the rest of the pack, half of them pounced on the other three Demon Apes, and half of them circled on the outermost ring, not giving the Demon Apes any chance to escape.

These wolf cubs are quite smart. They know how to form an array trying to kill all of the apes?

Not surprisingly, the primal giant tree was the habitat of the Demon Apes, and the fractured cross-section still bore a large number of messy scratches.

What did this mean?

Bai Wushang associated the respective biological habits of the Demon Apes and the Swift Wind Sword Wolves and imagined a scene in his mind.