The Choice

This fleeting gap right now would determine the ultimate fate of the two kings.

Bai Wushang was sure that with just a little extra help, the Demon Ape Leader could slaughter the Swift Wind Sword Wolf king—just a little help!

It was as if two little people were arguing in his consciousness.

One dryly and forcefully shouted, "What are you hesitating for, go save it. Only by saving the Demon Ape leader can you gain its friendship, and have a chance to establish a contract with it. Don't you want to have such a powerful pet companion?"

The other was furious, and loudly scolded, ''Please use your brain! You're facing a pack of Swift Wind Sword Wolves, not one, but a pack! What can you do alone?

"Once you fail, you will be chased by a pack of wolves. Is it possible for you to run away? No way!