Customized Recipes

[Sensing the host's wishes, do you want to use the "Universal Recipe (youth level) Exchange Voucher"?

"Confirm use!"

[Two transcendent creatures are detected in the host's vicinity, may I ask which is the target?]

"…Demon Ape!"

Bai Wushang almost forgot about the Red Horse, but fortunately, the altar of the Gourmand was smart and gave him a choice.

[Transcendental recipe customization in progress… customization complete!]

[Referring to the current state of the target Demon Ape, the altar can provide seven effects of custom recipes. Please choose…]

[Recipe 1: Dragon bone and blood ginseng tea.]

[Effect Description: A perfect healing type recipe. The main ingredient contains drake skull seed, 100 years old blood ginseng, and so on. Once taken, it can completely repair all the injuries of the target Demon Ape without leaving any hidden problems.]

[Recipe 2: Thick Herb Soup]