Cat Demon VS Sound Sleeping Bear VS Iron Bone Eagle

Before he could think, another ear-piercing bird cry sounded from the clouds.

"Chirp ~ Chirp ~"

Bai Wushang looked up at the sky and saw a giant silver-white eagle circling above.

Its wingspan was about four to five meters, and its feathers were snow-white, not stained by any color.

The extended silver skeletons spread on both sides of the wings like spider webs, shining with the texture and lustre of steel.

The bright yellow hook claws and the pitch-black curved beak were the sharp weapons of the overlord of the sky.

The Iron Bone Eagle!

It was a transcendent creature that had both offense and defense abilities and was brutal and cold. Its bloodline quality had reached Mortal Bone Leve, 9 Stars.

Looking at its size, it was also in the early mature form.