a lightning encounter

bai wushang was unable to determine whether the current depth of the ground was a few hundred meters or a few thousand meters.

however, such an exquisite and unique crystal building in this environment had a strong impact on the senses of people.

only the word "shock" could express his feelings.

the little rabbit's two big silver-white eyes didn't seem to be bright enough. they couldn't compare to the brilliance of the building at all.

"again, again, again ~~~"

little bug was a little excited.

this was probably its home, its first home.

however, bai wushang only glanced at the building once and immediately shifted his attention.

a few hundred meters away, there was an entrance that looked like a door on the side of the crystal beetle.

the three people and six beasts were either scattered or clustered together.

they were all men, wearing standard leather armor.