the most powerful attack, quintuple fist!

seeing that xue zilin was in a desperate situation, the deerhorn wind foal and the three-eyed magic ape immediately rushed back to help.

the speed of the wind horse was fast, and it arrived first. it skillfully propped up a wind barrier to block the second hammer strike.

however, the other party still had a pet that was in a better condition.

a poisonous desert scorpion!

this guy was very cunning. he had unknowingly sneaked behind the giant golden eagle and was ready to stab it with a poisonous needle.

"swoosh swoosh swoosh"

ah zhou didn't choose to save xue zilin directly. instead, he approached baldhead with his stealth.

the opponent's skeletal arm archer had just died, and the contract was broken. his spirit was damaged, and coupled with his physical injuries, he was at his weakest.

his only remaining pet, the poisonous desert scorpion, was not allowed to be with him for protection. instead, it had resorted to sneak attacks.