radish, chestnut, and balanced meatball

in the room, the mutated scarlet horse was next to the dark gold demonic ape, the red ponytails behind its butt swinging high to the left and right.

coupled with that indescribable frightened face, the characteristics of a husky were even more obvious.

further away, fang rui's second iron eater was lying in a corner.

after the initial fear, its attention was attracted by the green mountain bamboo that its master fed.

first, he sniffed around the pile of bamboo, and then he picked out the ones that suited his taste the most, which was the few that looked the most delicious.

after removing the soil and the withered parts, he straightened out the direction of the bamboo leaves and broke them off from the middle.

only then did he slowly send it into his mouth, bit by bit, bit by bit.

of course, the iron-eating beasts 'favorite food was the tender and juicy bamboo stem.

if the bamboo was too thick, they would first use their teeth to peel off the outer skin;