not good at xiao ci


in the training hall, due to the revival of life given by the advancement ...

ah zhou received additional blood and qi replenishment, and his condition was no longer as bad as before.

the lost body had been restored, but there was still a long way to go before it reached its peak.

so, after venting his excitement and joy of victory ...

it became a little dispirited, and the light in its eyes dimmed.

however, ah zhou continued to listen attentively to the information shared by his master. he analyzed it in secret and remembered it in his heart.

"alright, that's the general idea of the skill."

bai wushang didn't beat around the bush. " as for the specific test and practice, we'll do it after you've recovered. "

" you've just gone through a life and death situation. there are too many details to recollect. think about it again. "